DWGA-18 Member-Member

It was a very warm and sunny day after the storms dumped multiple inches of rain on the course but members of the DWGA-18 gathered with partners for the 2-day seasonal event. Day 1 was red flag-cart path only but Day 2 brought relief with drier course conditions. Tournament winners were:

 Flight #1

 1st Place Gross - Barbara Clark and B J Conner

 1st Place Net - Nora Bergfield and Carol Bodge

 2nd Place Net - Suki Ellers and Carol Schramm

 Flight #2 - Mixed Flight

 1st Place Net - Susan Anderson and Jeanne Ballard

 2nd Place Net - Belinda Gemme and Janice Stephens


MGA v. DWGA-18


DWGA-9 Caddie Day