CHI St Vincent Cancer Benefit @ Diamante a Success
The 4th Annual CHI St Vincent Cancer Benefit @ Diamante was a success in raising just under $15K for cancer clinical research. Sponsored by Applied Underwriters of Omaha and held September 25th it drew 16 teams that played for prizes ranging from trips to St Andrews and Pebble Beach to an invitation to the Invitational National Finals at Big Cedar in Branson. For a team donation to the CHI Cancer Program the Golf Channel’s Long Drive Pro Bryce Verplank hit drives over 400 yards. After play prizes were awarded and a Silent Auction was held featuring works of HSV’s own All-American Classics.
The winning team advances to the Invitational National Finals in May 2024 where they will play Payne’s Valley, Buffalo Ridge, and Ozarks National courses. Congratulations go to Charles Veazey, Patsi Veazey, Dan Monaghan, and Debbie Monaghan.
Dr. Peter Emanuel, VP of Common Spirit Oncology Clinical Institute and Director of the CHI Cancer Program in Little Rock, spoke to the players about the clinical trials in cancer research and the importance of the financial support of events like the Benefit @ Diamante.
Winning teams were as follow:
1st – Charles and Patsi Veazey, Dan and Debbie Monaghan
2nd – Brandon Kogut, Jeff Owen, Luke Chittum, Marc Owen
3rd – Steve Allen, Steve Anderson, Robert Pike
4th – Kent and Suzanne Kuch, Steve Lux, Martha Smither
5th – Charles Davis, Phillip Isgrig, Greg Rowden, David Warren
6th – Fred Bean, Mark Hittner, Scott Finnell, Ford Williams
7th - Mike Prosen, Brian Schaeffer, Jim Burk, Bo Johnston
Men’s Long Drive – Steve Anderson
Women’s Long Drive – Marianne Kaercher
Closest to the Pin – Kent Kuch
Team Putting Contest – Michael Doyle, Donna Doyle, Bill McGhee, Lori McGhee
1st Place winners advancing to the Invitational National Finals @ Big Cedar, L-R Charles Veazey, Patsi Veazey, Debbie Monaghan, Dan Monaghan; Photo Charlotte McCarty
Volunteers Nicky Baker (left) and Janee Jeffries (right) with World’s Long Drive Pro Bryce Verplank. Photo Charlotte McCarty