Couples Golf Association (CGA) Spring Fling
It was billed as the Spring Fling but the weather that greeted the players was more like Winter Returns! Both days were windy with temperatures that varied from the high 40s to the mid-50s and with cold rain the second day.
The 2-day event drew 48 couples that were paired into 14 foursomes in two flights. Four formats were used in the two 18-hole rounds.
Flight #2
1st Place
Jess and Janice Stephens
Fred and Belinda Gemme
2nd Place
Ken and Laurie Henderson
Jim and Carol Bodge
3rd Place
Mark and Rebecca Hittner
Mike and Kim Lefebvre
Flight #1
1st Place
Bill and Lori McGhee
Jim and Renee Robinson
2nd Place
Charles and Patsi Veazey
Dan and Debbie Monaghan
3rd Place
Dave Economon and Cherry Thibault
John and Holly Hardin